Monday, April 19, 2010

Killi Olympics

Time to continue with our "Days of Camp" series. A couple of weeks ago I ran down the activities that take place at Camp on Sunday when campers first arrive. Now its time to move on to Killi Olympic Day.

Killi Olympics are on Monday and during two week sessions it is on the second Monday. Each day is introduced to the campers right after Flag Devo in their own special way. For Killi Olympics day the program staff, which now includes four group leaders and the program director, come together to form the Olympic Rings. While linked together they also sing/hum the Olympic Song.
The competitions that make up Killi Olympics occur during each Group Activity. Some of the events have been around for many, many years. These would include things like the 50 yard dash and the cross country run. Others like the "Find the finish Line" Race and Freestyle Walk have been added recently. There are also many different events that have been created on the spot and used for a couple of sessions. The Ping Pong Ball Chunk has always been a camper favorite, but sometimes it is difficult to locate a ping pong ball at Camp, and that event wasn't done. Often times the events are a product of the staff's creativity. There have been events like the Oprah Powerwalk, and the Spin in a Circle contest, as well as the New Mexican Ball Toss. Its always fun to see the campers enjoy competing and trying their best to win a ribbon at the end of the week.

Two week sessions are the best. If you have ever been to a two week session you will agree. There are many extras that two week sessions offer, and Mellow Night is one of them. Mellow night happens on the second Monday of the session, which is Killi Olympic Day.
Mellow Night is a very mellow night. It gives campers and the staff a chance to dress up in crazy clothes. The goal is to dress like someone out of the 1960's or 1970's. Sometimes people don't exactly get that concept. But it is still a lot of fun.
Part of what makes Mellow Night so fun is the performances. All of the benches are moved out of the Rec Hall and everyone sits on the ground. Mellow Night is basically an open mic night at Camp. Campers and staff are encouraged to perform a song, recite a poem, tell a story, and do some random joke telling. Its always fun to see what secret talents the campers and staff have.
This is a picture of one of the Mellow Night traditions...The Magic Show. This is a performance that is generally put on my a couple of group leaders. One thing that makes this so special is the amazing musical accompaniment. Of course the magic tricks that are done are nothing short of mindblowing. The fact that the show is passed down from generation to generation is another special aspect of the act.
I hope that you are able to picture what Camp is like today. Although things have changed over the years, for the most part Camp is still the same place, and will be the same place for many years.
Hail Dear Ol' Deer Run,

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