Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Picture of Jesus

If I had to pick a favorite daily activity at Camp, it would probably be Night Devo. I've never felt closer to God than I have during that time. What an amazing blessing it was to be able to have that feeling every night at Camp. There's just something so special about standing under the stars shining in the pitch black sky, while circled around singing praises to God. During the summer of 2003, I was a Group Leader and I was in charge of finishing the day for my group with a short little message during Night Devo. One that I did every week was based off of a song I had heard. In this song the singer tells a story of how he knew a man that, in his mind, was the picture of Jesus. He felt that by looking at this man that he was seeing what Jesus was like. I would talk to my campers about how important it was for others to look at us and see Jesus. We are instructed to model our lives after the life that Jesus lived. If we claim to be Christians, then people should be able to look at us, and see Jesus. I would tell my campers how it was easy to live like Christ while at Camp, or while at church. The time that was most difficult would be when they were around non-Christians, people who didn't show what Christ was like. I challenged my campers to step up during those moments, and to show others what Christ was like. This applies to us today, out in "the real world". Do people see Christ in you? Can people tell that you are living your life trying to copy Christ, without you having to tell them. Sometimes this can be a challenge, as we all are faced with temptations to make us turn from God. But I want to challenge you in the same way that I challenged my campers to stand apart from the world, and show people a Picture of Jesus.

Hail, Dear Ol' Deer Run,

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