This morning, Junior Cox posted this on Facebook...
"Woke up to 35 college kid spread out on every piece of floor we had in the house. We always love having the CDR staff come in."
This blog post is inspired by that. Even though Staff Weekends aren't technically a part of Camp Deer Run, they are a vital part of what makes Camp Deer Run what it is. I have always said that God does amazing things through the staff of Camp Deer Run, and the time that they get to spend together on staff weekends makes staff closer and stronger. I remember 10 years ago that I was one of the college kids sleeping on Junior and Christie's floor, and I can remember so many memories that I made on all the other staff weekends I was on.
When the Camp Session ends on Friday, the staff heads into Winnsboro to start off the weekend by eating as much pizza as possible at Pizza Inn. Then for some it is off to do laundry or run errands or head to whichever city in East Texas everyone is spending the weekend. It could be Longview or Paris or Sulphur Springs or Dallas or Holly Lake or somewhere else. Sometimes all the staff stays in the same place, sleeping on the floor or even outside. Sometimes, like at Holly Lake, the staff would stay at different host families houses. One of my favorite times was when the entire staff would go worship together at church of the town we were in. It was wonderful seeing the support that we got from that church. Every staff weekend was different, but all were wonderful experiences for me for me. I'm sure they are equally great now. I made so many wonderful memories, and spent wonderful quality time with my best friends. Staff weekends help the staff to fellowship outside of Camp, and develop a strong bond that allows them to work exceptionally well together at Camp. I love how the staff is able to show the campers how young Christian men and women interact with each other, and how they are able to love each other and love God. The staff weekends play a big part of that.
Hail, Dear Ol' Deer Run,