Monday, May 31, 2010

Baby Roundup!!!

Its time to officially welcome a new era of Deer Runners. Over the past few years it seems that there have been many babies show up to Camp with their parents who worked out there in the past. We think it is time to try to get as many of these babies and their parents out to Camp and recognize them and their parents and honor them. So if you have had a baby in the past 3 years, or close to 3 years, you are invited to what has been dubbed the "Baby Roundup". This will occur after lunch on Sunday July 11th. This is middle Sunday of 4th Session. We would love to have as many babies there as possible. This will give so many future campers a chance to meet each other at an early age and give them a connection to Deer Run that they can share with each other for a very long time. There are also some rumors going around about some special items in the gift shop made especially for this day. Hope to see many of you there. Here is an invitation.

Hail, Dear Ol' Deer Run,

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