Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ladies Retreat is right around the corner!!

Former ladies of Camp Deer Run, your time to reconnect is almost here. I know that there are many of you who are eagerly anticipating this fun weekend, and ready to see long lost friends. I wish I could relay how much I enjoyed the Men's retreat, and how much I loved spending time with old friends, but the snow didn't let it happen yet. But I know that I was really excited for the Men's Retreat, and I know that you ladies are just as excited for your retreat. I want to encourage anyone who is thinking about going, to stop thinking about it, and just decide to go. You will not regret it. What can be better than spending a couple of days at Camp Deer Run, in the wonderful nature that God created, spending time with friends while you are fellowship together and spend time worshipping God. I know for me personally, I always feel closest to God when I am at Camp. And I feel that a large reason for this is because of the people I am around when I am there. I know there are many of you who are reading this and are shaking your heads up and down because you agree with me. If you know of anyone who may also want to attend, send them the information and encourage them to go. I know that it will be a memorable weekend for all who attend.

If you need more information, then click this link. Make sure to call or email Ty Ford if you would like to register, or have any questions. The retreat is only three weeks away, and will be here before you know it. I hope that there is a large turnout of former female Deer Runners, and that all will be brought closer to God during that weekend.

Hail, Dear Ol' Deer Run,

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