Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Every one always talks about Labor Day Weekend being the "official" end to the summer. Obviously this is not true for Camp Deer Run. The summer has been over at Camp for several weeks now. But just because summer is over, Camp Deer Run isn't over. I know that I often times think that Camp is just a 10 week experience that happens over the summer months. While it is true that this is the true "Camp Deer Run Experience", its important to remember that Camp Deer Run is a year round functional camp.

While things obviously slow down during the off-season, there are still many activities that are going on during this time. The first obvious example is how Camp serves as a place for retreats. Over most weekends during the year, groups from all over East Texas come out to Camp for their retreat. These can be youth groups, church classes, or family reunions. Camp is a good place for retreats because it offers plenty of activities, and also has several places to meet together as a group. It is also a pretty cheap facility compared to other camps around the area. I have spent several weekends out there for retreats and had a wonderful experience each time. If you are wanting to put together a retreat for a group of yours, call the Camp office at 903-629-7165.

Even though the summer of 2012 is still 9 months away, I know that preperations have already begun to make next summer the best Camp Deer Run has ever had. The Director, Ty Ford, has already started planning on when he is going to recruit the staff, what the theme of the summer will be, and what improvements need and can be made to Camp. Ty will also go around to churches during the year to speak about the work being done at Camp during the summer, and will also be working to raise funds. Scarecrow, The Maintenence Supervisor, is always working around Camp to fix whatever was broken during the summer. It really is a full-time, year-round job. If the small stuff wasn't worked on during the year, Camp wouldn't be able to function as well during the summer.

I want you to know about all of this so that you can start praying for next summer. Keep all of the work that will be done between now and then in your prayers, and ask God to give the decision makers wisdom and knowledge, so that they can make Camp Deer Run a place where God can do His work, and the campers can grow closer to Him. Great things have been done at Camp, and this will continue to happen for many more years.

Hail, Dear Ol' Deer Run,

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